Freedom over Money … Froglube Decides Not To Attend SHOT Show 2022


It is with a degree of sadness that after 10 years of attendance, we have decided to end our presence at the annual National Shooting Sports Foundation SHOT SHOW in Las Vegas, NV.

Since COVID struck in 2020, FrogLube attempted to continue our participation in SHOT SHOW despite unlawful, cost prohibitive and convoluted restrictions imposed by the governor of the state of Nevada. We looked to NSSF to stand up for our industry and to pressure the state authorities into allowing our trade show to return to normal. As a small business, any attempt to engage in commercial interaction with our customers under constantly changing, unrealistic and absurd restrictions is cost prohibitive and places an undue burden on our company.

We do not question the reality of the COVID 19 disease, in fact, most of us have had it. At issue is that a disease is not su?cient cause for the removal of god-given/inalienable rights by any man, government agency or commercial enterprise. Does the governor of Nevada restrict trade show attendance for any other communicable diseases with transmissibility? FrogLube and NSSF engage in free enterprise in an industry that uses individual rights as a selling point to attract people to purchase our ?rearms products. We ?nd the NSSF stance is mutually incompatible to the expression of both the 1st and 2nd amendments of the US Constitution. How can we stress the 2nd amendment at the show while yielding on the 1st amendment?

We did attempt to persuade the NSSF to cope with these issues, but we got no relief. We found ourselves stuck in an ethical dilemma, where we might have to choose to compromise on our company ethos in order to continue our attendance.

At FrogLube, we come from military and law enforcement backgrounds and we share lifetimes of service to our country, our citizens and the protection of their rights. For us, the decision is freedom over money. We choose freedom.


Larry & Stacy Lasky



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